Gretchen F.

Gretchen F.

Can’t thank you enough for all the hours you have spent to get the site to this point…and all your patience. Would highly recommend you and Papyrus to others.

Lee County Genealogical Society

Nina G.

Nina G.

[A colleague] said she found [our website] easy to navigate, clearly delineated, aesthetically pleasing, and had the information she needed. She said it was a really well done website…It’s always nice to hear positive comments and, as you know, I completely agree with her about the excellent job you do as our webmaster.

Collier Resource Center

Randalynn K.

Randalynn K.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!! What you’ve done Kim! Outstanding work for a NFP with very limited budget. You gave the life and emotional impact I was envisioning when we started this project!


Testimonial by Jim S.

Testimonial by Jim S.

Jim S.
Jim S. Estero Council of Community Leaders
We are most thankful for all you do for ECCL and its member committees. Very professional, very punctual!