What would it mean for your business or non-profit to have a storefront in every city in the United States? A large capital investment? Not so. You can be open for business 24/7 in all 50 states for under $3,000. How? Online, of course.
One of the major benefits of an online investment is the almost unlimited reach of your audience. While a brick and mortar store provides possibly a regional impact, an online presence is available anywhere your language is spoken. And shopping carts which support multiple languages are easily implemented.
For non-profits, an online storefront may be the only storefront you need. Why waste donated dollars on office space that can only be staffed a third of a day, when an online site can accept donations, answer questions, and educate users all day, every day.
If you are testing the waters of a new business, online is the most affordable way to see if a product or service will fly. Low overhead and the flexibility to make instant adjustments provide security and freedom in trial and error. If you already have a business, why not expand your geographic reach by marketing and selling to buyers thousands of miles away?
You really can launch a web store for under three grand. While that is not petty change, it is also nowhere near the requirements of a physical location.
Papyrus Document & Design can provide a no obligation, custom estimate on what it would take to sell your product or service online.
Kim Dailey is a webmaster with Papyrus Document & Design, a company with experience creating web sites and stores for commercial, non-profit, and public sector clients throughout the United States.